Previous projects

I spent a 6 month visiting period at ICTA-UAB in Barcelona, Spain. Under the supervision of Federico Demaria, I took part of the Environmental Justice (ENVJUSTICE) group led by Joan Martinez-Allier. My task was to write case studies for the Environmental Justice atlas on the informal recycling sector in the MENA region. A record of all the cases entered on waste privatisation/wastepicker conflicts can be found here.

As a MSc student at CAU Kiel, I was employed as a student research assistant at the Institute for Environmental, Resource and Spatial Economics. Under the supervision of Kira Lancker, I was in charge of the organization and cleaning of survey data of West-African coastal fishermen. The surveys were conducted under the EU-funded PREFACE Project.

As part of my MSc curriculum, together with my colleague at that time, Chiara Signoria, I set up an informal video blog series called Unravelling Systems. Our aim was to highlight the relationship between ecological and financial systems in a casual, but nevertheless, educational manner. The videoblog consists of videos in which we clarify related scientific literature as well as interviews with experts.